Greetings to our 3 rd , 6 th and 9 th Grade Parents! I hope you have all enjoyed your summer break. Our school offices are now back open and preparing for the start of our new ...
Our website has a new look! You reach us the same way. When you log on to our website at , you will see our website has been updated! All your favori...
The Oglethorpe County Board of Education approved the 2025-26 school calendar at the last board meeting. Please click the link to view the full calendar. https://www.oglethorp...
Oglethorpe County School System will be conducting a residency audit for grades three, six and nine, at the beginning of the school year. In other words, students entering 3rd gra...
The 2024-25 school calendar has been amended for primary and elementary school students due to moving in to the new school over the winter break. Students will end 2 days earlier ...
Thursday, May 30th at 8:15am OCMS, 270 Buddy Faust Road, Crawford. Please contact Dr. Sara Hughes for more information or to reserve your spot to help us plan for the 2024-2025 s...
Please join us on Monday, May 6th for an introduction to Oglethorpe County Elementary School and find out all the details about third grade! You will have an opportunity to hear f...