Welcome to the English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) website of Oglethorpe County Schools. We are continuously growing in our population of English Learners (ELs) within our district; therefore, our aim is to provide our ELs with the ongoing support that they need to be successful. We are able to provide this support through a unique opportunity for our ELs – the ESOL program - that is also supported by our Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE).
The model developed below by the GaDOE outlines what our responsibilities are as a school district:
Below are two primary guidance documents provided by the GaDOE that we follow for our ESOL program.
Please click on the picture captions to access the documents.
ESOL Language Program - State Board Rule Summary Guidance
A Resource Guide to Support School Districts' English Learner Language Programs
Additional resources from the GaDOE that may be helpful to families:
Common Acronyms in EL Language Programs
English Learner Toolkit
Newcomer Toolkit
Parents of kindergarteners and students new to U.S. schools must complete a Home Language Survey (HLS). Translated versions are below:
Home Language Survey - Translated Versions - required form under ESSA
Students within our school system are screened using one of the WIDA English Language Proficiency (ELP) Screeners and Assessments below, depending on the student’s grade level.
Additionally, beginning in January of each year during the GaDOE’s testing window for ACCESS, the language proficiency of our ELs are evaluated using one of the following tests (as applicable to the student):
For more information about our ESOL program, please contact the ESOL teacher/coordinator available at each of our schools, or you may reach out to the program coordinator at the district level:
Dr. Kanya Cornish
Assistant Superintendent
If you have questions specifically about the WIDA screeners and tests that are administered, please contact the following:
Dr. Sharon Synan
Instructional Technology Specialist/Assessment Coordinator